Harmony Necklace


SKU: harmony Category:


A delicate shorter collar length necklace to bring balance and serenity. Using crystals for protection of negativity, stones to bring in more light and stones to bring in more harmonious feelings, this energised necklace will hopefully offer the support we need.

Crystals used


An extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual connection. It enhances spiritual awareness, promoting love of the divine. It helps clear the aura of negative energies. An excellent stone for meditation.


A stone of new beginnings. As its name suggests it is strongly connected to the moon and to intuition. Like the moon the stone is reflective, and reminds us that as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions. It is a stone for wishing and dreaming things in to being.

Lapis Lazuli

A stone to quickly release stress and brings deep peace. It processes enormous serenity. Lapis encourages taking charge of life. It reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness and allows self- expression without holding back or compromising. It helps you to confront truth wherever you find it and to accept what it teaches. It aids in expressing your own opinions. It dissolves blocked emotions and suffering from the aura.


Is one of the crystals that promote unconditional love. It is a stone especially tuned to the energies of Archangel Raphael. This stone readily emphasises the need of spiritual growth, personal evolution and alignment of our energies with the Divine.


Iridescent Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone. A bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects and universal energies. It deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It banishes fears and insecurities and removes other people's projections. It energises the imagination and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.


A powerfully energising and regenerating stone. It cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.

Clear Quartz Crystal

The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. It contains the 7 colours of the rainbow and is the white light manifest on Earth.

Black Obsidian

Is a very powerful and creative stone. It forces facing up to one's true self and facing the shadows within and helps bring imbalances to the surface for release. It repels negativity and protects the aura.


A stone of unity, unconditional love, partnership and promotes friendships. It opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions. It eliminates negativity and brings in positive actions and raises consciousness.

Rose Quartz

Is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important stone for the heart. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It releases unexpressed emotions and heartache. It can attract a loving relationship.


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