Archangel Christiel Necklace


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SKU: archangel-christiel-necklace Category:


This stunning longer length necklace connects to Archangel Christiel who helps us develop our higher Causal Chakra which connects us to the higher Angelic realm where Unicorns also reside. This necklace is full of sparkle and magic and feels light and airy to wear.

Archangel Christiel helps us to activate our causal chakra which holds Divine Feminine energy and Christ Light.

Crystals used


A powerful stone for healers because it deepens attunement and heightens perception. Helps you speak your truth. It facilitates telepathy and helps us connect to universal knowledge.


A stone of new beginnings, as its name suggests, it is strongly connected to the moon and to intuition. Like the moon, the stone is reflective, and reminds us that as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional stress and emotions providing calmness, enhanced intuition and inspiration. It is a stone for wishing and dreaming things into being.


Is a very spiritual and tranquil stone with a high vibration. It awakens the heart centre to unconditional love, producing loving thoughts and communication. It radiates peace and connects you to universal love.


Iridescent Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone. A bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. It deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It banishes fears and insecurities and removes other people's projections. It energises the imagination and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.


Powerfully combines Amethyst and Citrine. It is fast and effective in its action and is particularly useful in long-standing illness as it brings insight into causes of disease. It connects the physical realm with higher consciousness. It relieves psychic attack and clears stress and tension from the head, calming the mind.


Helps one sort out things in your mind and it provides a calming atmosphere. It helps you reach for your goals and to realise that the only limitations which exist are those self-limiting beliefs in the mind. It helps you to stay grounded and to stick by your beliefs and set your boundaries.

Rainbow Quartz

Contains the 7 colours of the rainbow and holds a high spiritual vibration.


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