Goddess Lakshmi Necklace


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The Hindu goddess of abundance and wealth, power, beauty and fertility. Lakshmi offers us the opportunity to take full advantage of the abundance that is our birthright, to allow the flow of abundance from the universals energies to flow into our lives unheeded. Lakshmi will support you and help you plan for success, so invoke this goddess into your life and set your intention for abundance.

Affirmation: I allow abundance to flow freely in all areas of my life and I embrace abundance, beauty and wealth now.

The necklace is 19 inches in length.

Crystals used

Citrine Pendant

A powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carrying the power of the sun, this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. It is warming, energising and highly creative. This crystal never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy and is extremely protective. It energises every level of life. It is a stone of abundance and attracts wealth into your life. Citrine raises self esteem and self confidence, enhances individuality and improves motivation.

Pink Opal

Is a vibrant, uplifting, joy-bringing stone. It can help to bring the sweetness and lightness back into life and is good to use in times of stress. In addition Pink Opal is believed to help you to get rid of emotional hang-ups and to free you from feelings of shame, guilt and inhibition.


Pearls represent wisdom, purity and innocence. The pearl is hidden inside the oyster and we too have lustrous, shimmering wisdom within us. The pearl can help us to get in touch with our own inner wisdom.

Rose Quartz

Is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important stone for the heart. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It releases unexpressed emotions and heartache. It can attract a loving relationship, or strengthen an existing one.

Clear Quartz

The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent at unblocking it. It raises the energy to the highest possible level and contains the 7 levels of the rainbow and is the white light manifest on Earth.

Smokey Quartz

Is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones and at the same time raises vibrations. It is a superb antidote to stress. It assists in tolerating difficult times with equanimity, fortifying resolve. It teaches us how to leave behind anything that no longer serves us. It relieves fear, lifts depression and brings emotional calmness.

Peach Moonstone

It is said to illuminate visions and dreams and helps clear a path forward. Peach Moonstone soothes worry or anxiety and brings your dreams into reality.


Is a joyful, light-inspiring stone. It heightens intuition and brings in light and energy. If life has lost its sweetness, Sunstone will restore it and help you nurture yourself in positive ways. It increases self-worth, assists with people feeling “different”, disadvantaged, discriminated against, and abandoned. Gives self-confidence and lifts a dark mood. It allows the real self to shine through happily. A very positive stone.


Grounds and anchors you in the present reality. A stablising stone with high energy. It is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation and for stimulating creativity. It has the ability to cleanse other stones. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success in business and other matters. It helps overcome abuse of any kind. It overcomes negative conditioning.

Rutilated Golden Quartz

Is an effective integrator of energy at any level. It heightens the energetic impulse of quartz and is a very efficient vibrational healer. It has a perfect balance of cosmic light and to be an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It aids astral travel, scrying and channeling and facilitates contact with the highest spiritual guidance.


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