I Believe in Angels


SKU: i-believe-in-angels Category:


Connect and call upon the angels in your daily life to support you, comfort you and surround you with their loving energies.

Crystals used


Has a high vibration and is imbued with divine energies. It takes you into the infinite peace of the spiritual and contacts with the angelic realms. It urges you towards enlightenment.


A powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carrying the power of the sun, this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. It is warming, energising and highly creative. This crystal never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy and is extremely protective. It energises every level of life. It is a stone of abundance and attracts wealth in to your life. Citrine raises self esteem and self confidence, enhances individuality and improves motivation.

Clear Quartz Crystal

The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. It contains the 7 colours of the rainbow and is the white light manifest on Earth.


Shields the aura from negative energy. It can help to keep out the negative vibrations of pollutants at the physical level. It allows one to recognise the purity of the universe.


Is one of the “stones of awareness for the New Age”. It represents peace and brotherhood. It facilitates conscious contact with the angelic realm. It enhances telepathic communication and enables out of body journeys. It deepens attunement and heightens perception so it’s a powerful stone for healers. It helps you to speak the truth, whatever it may be. It creates a feeling of deep peace and tranquility.

Cherry Quartz

Invites love into your life, and reflects the love in your heart back to the world.


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